Sam's Giveaway

Sam is a 12 year old who has an eye condition called Lebers Congenital Amaurosis and he also suffers from Nyastagmus which is why his eyes tend to roam around. He needs guidance seeing and uses his family, friends, and a cane to get around.

Tucker's Giveaway

Tucker is an 11 year old boy diagnosed with Type I Diabetes. He has been having some uncontrolled lows with passing out and hospitalization. He will undergo some testing at the U of MN soon. He is a huge football fan and was surprised with Viking playoff tickets!

Oliver's Giveaway

This little sweet boy Oliver was born with a rare liver disease called Biliary Atresia and has already at 8months undergone 2 surgeries. He is on a liver transplant list. His big sister is there to help him. He is on feeding tubes. Dad has served in the military and we were able to surprise him on veteran's day weekend. Mom has had to take off a lot of work to be with Oliver and now has nurses helping.

Liliana's Giveaway

Liliana was diagnosed in the womb with gastroschisis which is a defect in the abdominal wall where her intestines were on the outside of her body. She is a miracle baby as 95% of her intestines were necrotic. She was expected to pass away. After surgery and much prayer she is recovering amazingly.

Sierra, Stella & Poppy's Giveaway

Sierra was stricken with a virus CMV when she was a child and developed Cerebral palsy, is deaf, and has multiple severe seizures. She has to be monitored in the night by her parents until she gets a seizure dog. She will undergo a surgery May 31st as well for her leg. Her sister Stella was born with an esophageal stricture that made it difficult to breathe and eat. She also is going to Mayo for more than 13 different food group severe allergies. Poppy has had multiple surgeries this year on her eyes.

Noah's Giveaway

Noah is a 9 year old who was born with a rare genetic disorder called congenital myasthenia syndrome which is a neuromuscular disease. He has had 3 dozen major surgeries with one coming up soon in Mayo. He has a rod in his spine. He is an amazing kid and wish him the best!